Rendering Services: A Comprehensive Overview of Advantages & Disadvantages

Rendering Services: A Comprehensive Overview of Advantages & Disadvantages

June 17, 2024
Yannic Schwarz

Rendering Services: A Comprehensive Overview of Advantages & Disadvantages

We provide a detailed overview of what a rendering is in this blogpost as well as how to create a rendering in this article. Getting all the details right, from choosing the right materials, setting proper light settings that create the atmosphere desired as well as designing the scene as realistically as possible takes a lot of time and love for detail.

In this blog post we want to explore advantages and disadvantages of creating a rendering either in-house (either in the traditional way or by using Artificial Intelligence) or to outsource it to external rendering services. 

rendering from rendering service

The Many Ways to Create a Rendering

Creating Renderings In-House

Architects often opt to design renderings themselves despite the time investment involved. This approach offers numerous advantages:

Better Understanding of the Project

When architects create renderings in-house, they not only visualize but also understand how their plans will materialize in the future. This firsthand experience allows them to estimate the impact of their designs on their surroundings, assess the suitability of different materials, and ensure that the overall geometry of the building aligns with its intended purpose. By immersing themselves in the rendering process, architects gain invaluable insights that inform and refine their design decisions.

Faster Iterations

Designing renderings in-house enables architects to iterate more rapidly. Rather than relying on external partners, architects can make immediate adjustments to their designs based on their evolving vision and client feedback. This agility accelerates the design process, allowing architects to explore multiple design possibilities and arrive at optimal solutions more efficiently.

Improved Feedback Cycles

In-house rendering empowers architects to establish more effective feedback cycles with their clients. By generating renderings internally, architects can solicit feedback from clients at various stages of the design process, fostering collaboration and alignment. This continuous feedback loop ensures that client expectations are met and that the final design reflects their preferences and requirements accurately.

Control Over Proprietary Information

By keeping rendering tasks in-house, architects retain control over proprietary information and sensitive design data. This mitigates the risk of intellectual property theft and ensures that confidential information remains secure within the confines of the architectural firm. Additionally, maintaining control over proprietary information reduces the likelihood of knowledge leakage and preserves the firm's competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Enhanced Control and Autonomy

Architects have greater control and autonomy over the rendering process when they create renderings in-house. Rather than relying on external partners, architects can experiment with different design iterations, materials, and lighting conditions in real-time, facilitating creative exploration and innovation. This hands-on approach empowers architects to realize their design vision more fully and execute their ideas with precision and fidelity.


Keeping rendering tasks in-house ensures confidentiality and protects sensitive design information from unauthorized access or disclosure. By maintaining control over the rendering process, architects can safeguard their designs throughout the design process and preserve the integrity of their work. This commitment to confidentiality instills trust and confidence in clients and reinforces the architectural firm's reputation for professionalism and discretion.

Scalability and Adaptability

In-house rendering offers architects greater scalability and adaptability in managing their rendering projects. Architects can scale rendering operations up or down as needed to accommodate fluctuating workloads and project requirements. This flexibility enables architects to respond effectively to changing client demands and market dynamics, ensuring that they can deliver high-quality renderings on time and within budget.

Outsourcing Rendering Services

Outsourcing rendering services to external experts offers several compelling advantages:

Access to Expertise

Outsourcing provides access to a vast pool of experienced professionals who are experts in rendering techniques, software, and industry trends. External rendering firms specialize in delivering high-quality renderings that meet the exacting standards of their clients, leveraging their expertise and knowledge to create visually stunning and technically accurate renderings. By tapping into this wealth of experience, architects can ensure that their rendering projects are executed with precision and quality, enhancing their presentations and marketing materials.


Outsourcing rendering services can be a cost-effective solution for architects, especially for smaller firms with limited resources. External rendering firms typically operate on a pay-for-service model, allowing architects to access professional rendering services without the need for substantial upfront investment in software, hardware, or personnel. By outsourcing rendering tasks, architects can reduce overhead costs and optimize their budgets, freeing up resources for other critical aspects of their business.


Outsourcing rendering services frees up internal resources and allows architects to focus on core activities such as design, client relations, and project management. External rendering firms have the expertise and capacity to handle rendering projects efficiently, delivering high-quality renderings within tight deadlines. By entrusting rendering tasks to external experts, architects can expedite project timelines and ensure timely delivery of renderings to clients, enhancing overall project management and client satisfaction.


Outsourcing rendering services offers architects greater scalability and flexibility in managing their rendering projects. External rendering firms have the resources and infrastructure to handle projects of varying sizes and complexity, enabling architects to scale rendering operations up or down as needed to meet client demands. This scalability ensures that architects can deliver high-quality renderings consistently, regardless of project scope or scale, enhancing their ability to compete effectively in the marketplace.

Efficiency and Competitive Edge

Outsourcing rendering services enables architects to leverage the expertise of specialists and streamline their rendering processes, enhancing efficiency and competitiveness. External rendering firms employ skilled professionals who are proficient in rendering techniques and software, ensuring that projects are executed with precision and quality. By outsourcing rendering tasks, architects can optimize their workflows, reduce turnaround times, and improve overall project efficiency, giving them a competitive edge in the architectural industry.

Using AI for Rendering

Utilizing AI-powered rendering software such as Pelicad's offers architects several advantages compared to in-house rendering as well as using rendering services:

Greater Control and Autonomy

AI software allows architects to experiment with different design iterations, materials, and lighting conditions in real-time, facilitating quicker decision-making and a more efficient design workflow. By using AI rendering software in-house, architects can explore design possibilities autonomously and iterate rapidly, without the need for external assistance or intervention.

Advanced Features and Automation

AI-driven rendering software boasts advanced features such as predictive modeling and automated scene generation, streamlining the rendering process and reducing manual effort and time. These AI algorithms can analyze design inputs and automatically generate high-quality renderings, enabling architects to produce renderings more quickly and cost-effectively without relying on external vendors.

Confidentiality and Control

Using AI rendering software internally enables architects to maintain confidentiality and control over sensitive design information, safeguarding their designs throughout the process. By keeping rendering tasks in-house, architects can protect proprietary design data and ensure that confidential information remains secure within the architectural firm, minimizing the risk of data leakage or unauthorized access.

Scalability and Adaptability

AI rendering software offers scalability and adaptability, enabling architects to handle varying workloads and project requirements efficiently. Architects can scale rendering operations up or down as needed without being constrained by external service providers' availability or capacity limitations. This flexibility empowers architects to meet project deadlines and client expectations more effectively, enhancing overall project management and client satisfaction.

Competitiveness and Productivity

Leveraging AI technology internally enhances architects' productivity and competitiveness in the architectural industry. By automating repetitive rendering tasks and streamlining workflows, AI rendering software enables architects to expedite the rendering process, optimize design workflows, and adapt to changing project demands effectively. This enhanced productivity enables architects to deliver high-quality renderings more efficiently, giving them a competitive edge in the marketplace.

team of a rendering service

Disadvantages of the Three Ways to Create a Rendering

Creating Renderings In-House

Creating renderings in-house offers numerous advantages but also comes with its own set of disadvantages:

Time-Consuming Process

Designing renderings internally can be time-consuming, especially for architects who are not proficient in 3D rendering software. Learning and mastering rendering techniques require significant time and effort, detracting from other essential project tasks. This prolonged process may delay project timelines and hinder overall efficiency.

Steep Learning Curve

Rendering software often has a steep learning curve, particularly for beginners. Architects may struggle to grasp complex rendering techniques and software tools, leading to frustration and delays in project timelines. Overcoming this learning curve may require extensive training and resources, further stretching project budgets and resources.

Resource Intensive

Designing renderings in-house requires access to specialized hardware and software resources, which can be costly to acquire and maintain. Additionally, architects may need to allocate dedicated time and resources to rendering tasks, reducing their availability for other project-related activities. This resource-intensive approach may strain project budgets and limit architects' capacity to handle multiple projects simultaneously.

Limited Expertise

Architects may lack the specialized expertise and experience required to create professional-grade renderings consistently. Without access to specialized training and resources, architects may struggle to achieve photorealistic results and convey the desired atmosphere effectively. This limitation may compromise the quality and visual impact of renderings, affecting stakeholders' perceptions and project outcomes.

Outsourcing Rendering Services

Outsourcing rendering services offers several benefits but also presents some potential drawbacks:

Loss of Control

Outsourcing rendering tasks to external vendors entails relinquishing control over the rendering process and design outcomes. Architects may find it challenging to communicate their vision effectively, leading to discrepancies in the final deliverables. This loss of control may result in misalignment with project objectives and stakeholder expectations, impacting project success and client satisfaction.

Quality Variability

The quality of renderings produced by external vendors may vary depending on their expertise and resources. Architects may encounter inconsistencies in the realism and accuracy of the renderings, affecting overall project quality. This variability in quality may undermine architects' credibility and reputation, leading to potential client dissatisfaction and project setbacks.

Dependency on External Partners

Outsourcing rendering services can create dependency on external vendors, making architects vulnerable to disruptions in project timelines. Architects may have limited input or oversight during the rendering process, hindering their ability to adapt quickly to changing project needs. This dependency may result in delays, cost overruns, and communication challenges, impeding project progress and success.

Confidentiality Risks

Sharing proprietary design data with external vendors raises concerns about data security and confidentiality. Architects may hesitate to disclose sensitive information, fearing the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access. This confidentiality risk may compromise intellectual property rights and expose architects to legal liabilities, jeopardizing the integrity and confidentiality of their designs.

Cost Overruns

While outsourcing rendering services can be cost-effective initially, architects may encounter unexpected costs or expenses over time. Factors such as revisions and scope changes can contribute to cost overruns, impacting project budgets and profitability. This unpredictability in costs may strain project finances and erode architects' profitability, leading to financial instability and project delays.

Using AI to Automate Rendering Services Processes

While AI-driven rendering offers numerous advantages, it also poses some challenges:

Control over output

In AI-driven rendering, occasional oversights occur where the technology overrides specific geometry and material details during the rendering process. This oversight can lead to discrepancies in the final renderings, affecting their realism and fidelity to the original design.

Many of the AI render tools that we summarized in this article face the challenge that only 2D data is taken as input. Unfortunately, the 2D input often does not sufficiently offer enough information to guide the generative networks in such a way, that the geometry and material details are not changed throughout the process. This is why Pelicad enables architects to generate AI-enabled renderings from a 3D viewport. Important information regarding the geometry of the building, the materials chosen, and surrounding elements such as trees and other buildings are given as input into the generative networks. Thus, only the atmosphere, style, and unimportant details are generated by the AI.

Algorithmic Bias

AI algorithms used for rendering may exhibit biases inherent in the data sets used for training. Architects may struggle to achieve diversity and inclusivity in their renderings, raising concerns about fairness and representation. Addressing algorithmic biases may require ongoing monitoring and adjustment, complicating the rendering process and potentially impacting project outcomes.

Dependency on Data and Models

AI-driven rendering relies on vast amounts of data and pre-trained models to generate renderings automatically. Architects may face challenges in sourcing relevant data sets or models that align with their design goals and project requirements. This dependency on external data sources may restrict architects' creative freedom and autonomy, limiting their ability to experiment and innovate in the rendering process.

Ethical Considerations

The use of AI for rendering raises ethical considerations related to privacy, consent, and algorithmic transparency. Architects may need to ensure transparency and accountability in their use of AI tools, addressing concerns about data privacy and algorithmic biases. This ethical responsibility may require architects to adopt rigorous ethical guidelines and standards, adding complexity and scrutiny to the rendering process.

rendering of chinese city from rendering service

How Much do External Rendering Services Cost?

When considering the cost of outsourcing rendering services, it's important to understand that pricing can vary significantly depending on factors such as project complexity, desired quality, geographic location of the service provider, and the scope of work involved. 

In regions like New York, London, and Sydney, where labor costs are higher, the average price for a high-quality 3D still image (also known as architectural rendering or visualization) typically ranges between $700 to $1,500 USD for small to medium projects. For larger projects, prices can escalate to anywhere from $2,500 to $10,000 USD, contingent on the project's complexity. Additionally, the hourly rate for 3D rendering services generally falls between $50 and $150 USD.

However, studios in developing countries often offer lower prices due to lower labor costs. For instance, countries like Sri Lanka, India, China, Singapore, and the Philippines tend to have lower price ranges for rendering services. While the cost may be lower, the quality of the rendering can still be high if sourced from experienced and talented studios.

In general, the average prices for various types of 3D rendering services worldwide can be summarized as follows:

  • 3D Exterior Rendering (Residential): $400 to $1,500 USD, with a typical delivery time of 3 to 6 days.

  • 3D Exterior Rendering (Commercial Building): $1,000 to $10,000 USD, with a typical delivery time of 3 to 8 days.

  • 3D Interior Rendering: $250 to $1,000 USD, with a typical delivery time of 2 to 5 days.

  • 3D Floor Plan Rendering: $200 to $600 USD, with a typical delivery time of 2 to 3 days.

  • 3D Walkthrough Animation (CPU-Based): $60 to $150 USD per second, with a typical delivery time of 2 to 3 weeks.

  • 3D Walkthrough Animation (GPU-Based): $20 to $100 USD per second, with a typical delivery time of 1 to 2 weeks.

  • 3D Product Rendering (Simple): $50 to $100 USD, with a typical delivery time of 1 to 2 days.

  • 3D Product Rendering (Complex): $500 to $1,000 USD, with a typical delivery time of 2 to 5 days.

  • 360 Virtual Tour or Panorama: $750 to $2,000 USD, with a typical delivery time of 5 to 10 days.

  • 3D Lifestyle Product Rendering: $250 to $550 USD, with a typical delivery time of 2 to 4 days.

It's important to note that while pricing may vary, factors such as experience, skill, quality, and photorealism of the rendering, as well as the software and tools used, can significantly impact the final cost. Additionally, cheaper renderings may sometimes come from larger studios that prioritize quantity over quality, potentially resulting in less personalized or reliable service. Therefore, when selecting a rendering service provider, it's crucial to consider factors beyond just pricing, such as the quality of work, communication, professionalism, and turnaround time.